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文章作者:小编 人气:发表时间:2024-04-25 14:42:23


  模块都包含一个独立控制的线性电机,可实现双向运动和高达 3000 毫米/秒的可编程速度。可以配置生产线,不依赖于最长的工艺周期时间,并更有效地利用在线设备以节省空间。

  滑块的定位精度优于 ± 0.015mm,可直接在模块上执行组装任务。由于无需卸下托盘并将工件从传统的传送带移动到工作台,因此节拍时间可以更快,装配单元也可以更小。没有物理微动开关或终点止动件,滑块止动位置可以在软件中重新编程。

  经济高效的可编程继电器模块开关负载高达 40 安培,并具有开关点、输出定时和对外部参数的延迟定时响应,以及根据应用要求定制的预设和响应图。典型的输入是开关或电阻型传感器,以及模块自己可选的内部热敏电阻,允许控制输入参数,包括温度、压力、光、振动和其他逻辑或控制功能。


  如果需要更具体的技术参数,价格以及购买信息,请联系我们,QQ:1677528195 联系方式:+86 15359029662

  The 8LSA44.E3060D200-0 module is interchangeable and reconfigurable, allowing assembly units to be set up, especially for short production runs. Modules can also be removed or replaced to minimise downtime and reused in other assembly units to maximise utilisation.

  Modules all contain an independently controlled linear motor for bi-directional motion and programmable speeds up to 3000 mm/sec. Production lines can be configured independently of the longest process cycle time, and in-line equipment can be utilised more efficiently to save space.

  The positioning accuracy of the slide is better than ± 0.015 mm, allowing assembly tasks to be performed directly on the module. Beat times can be faster and assembly cells can be smaller because there is no need to unload pallets and move workpieces from conventional conveyors to the table. There are no physical microswitches or end stops, and the slide stop position can be reprogrammed in software.

  Cost-effective programmable relay modules switch loads up to 40 amps and feature switching points, output timing and delayed timed responses to external parameters, as well as preset and response maps customised to the application requirements. Typical inputs are switching or resistive sensors, as well as the module's own optional internal thermistor, allowing control of input parameters including temperature, pressure, light, vibration and other logic or control functions.

  For more product information go to: www.dcsplcabb.com

  If you need more specific technical parameters, price and purchase information, please contact us, QQ: 1677528195 Contact: +86 15359029662

下一篇:8MSA4L.E0-67 上一篇: 8LSA73.S1030D123-1