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文章作者:小编 人气:发表时间:2024-04-26 14:46:31

  8MSA2M.R0-44专为工业嵌入式使用而设计,具有多项关键功能,旨在实现灵活性和易于维护。对 USB 3.2 Gen 2 的 I/O 支持提供了连接性,并且对 VGA、eDP/LVDS 和 DDI 的支持使其能够轻松融入现有设置。COM-WHUC6 支持扩展两个 SATA III 设备和五个 PCIe 设备。

  采用 Intel Atom x7-E3950 @2.0GHz 或 x5-E3930 @1.8GHz 处理器。IBQ800 设计工作温度范围为 -40°C 至 +85°C,适用于工业环境和垂直市场领域,包括自动化、游戏、ATM、交通、电力公用事业和数字标牌。紧凑模块封装,支持目标工业、移动和嵌入式应用所需的必要组件和总线接口。它可配备 8GB 或 4GB LPDDR4 内存以及最高 32GB eMMC 5.0 SSD 存储。IBQ800 采用 Intel SoC 集成 Gen9-LP 图形控制器,并配备 LVDS 或 eDP 显示接口。


  如果需要更具体的技术参数,价格以及购买信息,请联系我们,QQ:1677528195 联系方式:+86 15359029662

  8LSA43.E3030D200-0 Current Loop Analogue Input 2. Wireless communication between the transmitter and the base station is based on the internationally recognised IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. the 4GHz ISM radio band provides a range of up to 4km in ideal conditions. The transmitter is housed in an ABS enclosure with an external antenna and cable sealing sleeves for power and signal input. An optional 3m extension cable and bracket can be used to mount the antenna in a location more favourable for wireless communications if required. The unit can be powered by an internal 3.6V lithium thionyl chloride battery or by an external 5VDC power wall adapter.

  The base station converts remote sensor input signals into industry-standard process outputs. It operates on one of 16 available RF channels in the 2.4GHz ISM band. The internationally recognised IEEE 802.15.4 protocol allows multiple wireless sensor networks to share the same radio spectrum without interference. The base station provides four open collector transistor outputs that can be used to drive external relays for pumps and alarms or Deeter dual level controllers. Continuous analogue sensor data (e.g. level) is output using a 4 to 20mA current loop driver which can be interfaced with industrial process controllers or Deeter Group's range of current loop indicators.

  For more product information go to: www.dcsplcabb.com

  If you need more specific technical parameters, price and purchase information, please contact us, QQ:1677528195 Contact:+86 15359029662

下一篇:8MSA4S.R0-66 上一篇: 8LSA43.E3030D200-0