这IS410SRLYS2A IS400SRLYS2ABB非常适合质量控制应用,因为它可以在实验室和生产环境中提供出色的近红外光谱。该分析仪是一款久经考验的多功能解决方案,适用于整个生产线的液体常规分析。
IS410SRLYS2A IS400SRLYS2ABB液体分析仪设计坚固耐用,防尘、防潮、防振动,即使在恶劣的生产环境中也能承受。
DS2IS410SRLYS2A 液体分析仪与各种一次性样品瓶和石英比色皿兼容。该分析仪的光谱范围为400至2500 nm,还可以分析温度高达80°c的热样品。
内置样品支架检测和直观的Vision Air软件使操作安全且用户友好。当有必要进行更大规模的样品运行时,应用与Metrohm自动进样器配套的流通池将显著提高生产率。
The power supply generates an RFfield, while in passive mode, the initiating device's own power supply generates an RFfield; The target device uses a full wave rectification circuit to convert the energy of the RFfield at the initiating end into DC to supply its own power. It is worth mentioning that in passive mode, in order to meet the requirements of power saving, load regulation is adopted, which can achieve the effect of power saving.