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WOODWARD 9907-164

  • 型号:WOODWARD 9907-164
    付款方式:SWIFT C/*C 对公 对私
    销售范围:全球 all over the world
  • 手机:+86 153 5902 9662 邮箱:geabbamy@gmail.com
  • 产品详情

Woodward 9907-164是一种基于505和505E微处理器的调速器控制单元的一部分,专门设计用于操作蒸汽涡轮机、涡轮发电机和透平膨胀机模块。这种控制器最初由Woodward Inc.开发、生产和制造,它利用涡轮机的分体执行器(一个或两个)来驱动蒸汽入口阀,通过操作涡轮机的单次抽气和/或进气来控制蒸汽涡轮机。



Woodward 9907-164控制器的应用非常广泛,不仅可以用于发电机组的控制和调节,监测和调整发电机的电压、频率、功率因数等参数,确保稳定的电力输出,还可以用于监测和控制各种工业过程,例如温度、压力、流量等,接收传感器信号,并根据预设的设定值进行反馈控制。同时,它还能实施故障检测和保护策略,监测系统中的异常情况,并触发相应的保护动作。

总的来说,Woodward 9907-164是一款功能强大、性能稳定的调速器控制单元,适用于各种复杂的工业应用。无论是在发电、工业自动化还是其他领域,它都能提供高效、可靠的解决方案,满足各种控制需求。

The Woodward 9907-164 is a part of a governor control unit based on 505 and 505E microprocessors, specifically designed for operating steam turbines, turbine generators, and turbine expander modules. This controller was originally developed, produced, and manufactured by Woodward Inc., which utilizes split actuators (one or two) of the turbine to drive the steam inlet valve and control the steam turbine by operating a single extraction and/or intake of the turbine.

The 9907-164 device is equipped with a series of discrete and analog inputs, including 16 contact inputs (4 of which are dedicated and 12 are programmable), as well as 6 programmable current inputs, with currents ranging from 4 to 20mA. These inputs enable the controller to receive and process signals from various sensors and actuators, thereby achieving precise control of the turbine.

In addition, the 9907-164 also has a series of powerful functions, such as critical speed avoidance, valve limiters, automatic start sequence, and stop first out indicator. At the same time, it also has a self diagnostic function, which can detect turbine faults and provide alarms, thereby improving the reliability of the system. In addition, the module also has security features to ensure the safety of operations.

The Woodward 9907-164 controller has a wide range of applications, not only for controlling and adjusting generator sets, monitoring and adjusting parameters such as voltage, frequency, and power factor to ensure stable power output, but also for monitoring and controlling various industrial processes, such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc., receiving sensor signals and feedback control based on preset settings. At the same time, it can also implement fault detection and protection strategies, monitor abnormal situations in the system, and trigger corresponding protection actions.

Overall, the Woodward 9907-164 is a powerful and stable governor control unit suitable for various complex industrial applications. Whether in power generation, industrial automation, or other fields, it can provide efficient and reliable solutions to meet various control needs.


咨询:WOODWARD 9907-164